GENSCAN 1.0 Date run: 24-Feb-102 Time: 11:42:41 Sequence AC091491 : 152882 bp : 38.35% C+G : Isochore 1 ( 0 - 43 C+G%) Parameter matrix: HumanIso.smat Predicted genes/exons: Gn.Ex Type S .Begin ...End .Len Fr Ph I/Ac Do/T CodRg P.... Tscr.. ----- ---- - ------ ------ ---- -- -- ---- ---- ----- ----- ------ 1.01 Term + 8335 8462 128 2 2 88 45 112 0.427 4.36 1.02 PlyA + 8915 8920 6 1.05 2.11 PlyA - 9099 9094 6 1.05 2.10 Term - 9458 9279 180 2 0 85 55 213 0.996 14.33 2.09 Intr - 19259 19056 204 2 0 31 67 103 0.205 0.97 2.08 Intr - 31235 31126 110 0 2 91 65 52 0.009 2.28 2.07 Intr - 34701 34598 104 2 2 49 100 17 0.002 -2.10 2.06 Intr - 53767 53686 82 2 1 68 102 50 0.823 2.18 2.05 Intr - 56317 56242 76 1 1 106 111 67 0.954 8.97 2.04 Intr - 61689 61582 108 0 0 79 31 89 0.704 1.86 2.03 Intr - 84483 84280 204 0 0 69 101 212 0.877 19.07 2.02 Intr - 89517 87031 2487 0 0 111 96 1876 0.952 177.08 2.01 Init - 104263 104213 51 1 0 34 93 49 0.208 1.21 2.00 Prom - 111210 111171 40 -3.65Click here to view a PDF image of the predicted gene(s)
Click here for a PostScript image of the predicted gene(s)
Predicted peptide sequence(s): >AC091491|GENSCAN_predicted_peptide_1|42_aa XSEVHITTDLIQKHQEGSCGYLGSLYSQLLLLKAVETLPKAK >AC091491|GENSCAN_predicted_peptide_2|1201_aa MEEARAEIGESELECPKDGTKQKRERKKTVSFSSMPTEKKISSASDCINSMVEGSELKKV RSNSRIYHRYFLLDADMQSLRWEPSKKDSEKAKIDIKSIKEVRTGKNTDIFRSNGISDQI SEDCAFSVIYGENYESLDLVANSADVANIWVTGLRYLISYGKHTLDMLESSQDNMRTSWV SQMFSEIDVDNLGHITLCNAVQCIRNLNPGLKTSKIELKFKELHKSKDKAGTEVTKEEFI EVFHELCTRPEIYFLLVQFSSNKEFLDTKDLMMFLEAEQGVAHINEEISLEIIHKYEPSK EGQEKGWLSIDGFTNYLMSPDCYIFDPEHKKVCQDMKQPLSHYFINSSHNTYLIEDQFRG PSDITGYIRALKMGCRSVELDVWDGPDNEPVIYTGHTMTSQIVFRSVIDIINKYAFFASE YPLILCLENHCSIKQQKVMVQHMKKLLGDKLYTTSPNVEESYLPSPDVLKGKILIKAKKL SSNCSGVEGDVTDEDEGAEMSQRMGKENMEQPNNVPVKRFQLCKELSELVSICKSVQFKE FQVSFQVQKYWEVCSFNEVLASKYANENPGDFVNYNKRFLARVFPSPMRIDSSNMNPQDF WKCGCQIVAMNFQTPGLMMDLNIGWFRQNGNCGYVLRPAIMREEVSFFSANTKDSVPGVS PQLLHIKIISGQNFPKPKGSGAKGDVVDPYVYVEIHGIPADCAEQRTKTVHQNGDAPIFD ESFEFQINLPELAMVRFVVLDDDYIGDEFIGQYTIPFECLQTGYRHVPLQSLTGEVLAHA SLFVHVAITNRRGGGKPHKRGLSVRKGKKSREYASLRTLWIKTVDEVFKNAQPPIRDATD LRENMQNAVVSFKELCGLSSVANLMQCMLAVSPRFLGPDNTPLVVLNLSEQYPTMELQGI VPEVLKKIVTTYDMQLKDFSDFVTSLETATTEDAVATSVLSRTGKESSLEMIQSLKALIE NADAVYEKIVHCQKAGTCYADVSTGKRKRGRRGMLRSEDLQPSVCEVPGKLPCDSLGCVS FVLALALACHRETVKSQAMEFHEHLHSIGTKEGLKERKLQKAVESFTWNITILKKHLFGS SKNQGQELCLEGSPFRSCTEPFIPLWQLLCTLWGGGQGGGKAVFLLWGDKLICSSCSMPI KRGQADLLKYAKNETLENLKQIHFAAVSCGLNKPGTENADVQKPRRSLEVIPEKANDETG E Explanation Gn.Ex : gene number, exon number (for reference) Type : Init = Initial exon (ATG to 5' splice site) Intr = Internal exon (3' splice site to 5' splice site) Term = Terminal exon (3' splice site to stop codon) Sngl = Single-exon gene (ATG to stop) Prom = Promoter (TATA box / initation site) PlyA = poly-A signal (consensus: AATAAA) S : DNA strand (+ = input strand; - = opposite strand) Begin : beginning of exon or signal (numbered on input strand) End : end point of exon or signal (numbered on input strand) Len : length of exon or signal (bp) Fr : reading frame (a forward strand codon ending at x has frame x mod 3) Ph : net phase of exon (exon length modulo 3) I/Ac : initiation signal or 3' splice site score (tenth bit units) Do/T : 5' splice site or termination signal score (tenth bit units) CodRg : coding region score (tenth bit units) P : probability of exon (sum over all parses containing exon) Tscr : exon score (depends on length, I/Ac, Do/T and CodRg scores) Comments The SCORE of a predicted feature (e.g., exon or splice site) is a log-odds measure of the quality of the feature based on local sequence properties. For example, a predicted 5' splice site with score > 100 is strong; 50-100 is moderate; 0-50 is weak; and below 0 is poor (more than likely not a real donor site). The PROBABILITY of a predicted exon is the estimated probability under GENSCAN's model of genomic sequence structure that the exon is correct. This probability depends in general on global as well as local sequence properties, e.g., it depends on how well the exon fits with neighboring exons. It has been shown that predicted exons with higher probabilities are more likely to be correct than those with lower probabilities.